Sunday, April 25, 2010
Renovatio la Muse~
dear all,
in an attempt to revive (rebirth is a more accurate word, but it's weird) my Muse, i have decided to get a new blog! =)
kudos to fairytales!
viva la dreams!
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|8:25 PM|
Saturday, April 17, 2010
ahh it's been a while...
i feel productive these few days =) cleared quite a bit of stuff on my todo list happy~ finally got down to doing my army album. completed it just placed the order. today, i also wrote my letter, watched julie & julia and played bmt. 'twas brillig.
i realized i haven't blogged abt e jap trip. hm. there's so much. regretted not doing a travelogue. bleh.
i wanna write.
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|11:51 PM|
Friday, March 26, 2010
happy happy <3 my todo list is at an all-time low of 1!
but... on 8th apr, when i'm back, it's gonna explode to 14 instantly -.-
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|12:15 AM|
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
after watching dragon last night, i came home and brilliant was sitting at the porch with his usual sad looking face. so i sat down beside him, i stroked him for a while, talked some nonsense to him and just enjoyed sitting outside e house with my dog.
then i asked him: "haiz. why can't you be a dragon?"
and he slumped down in his classic autistic insensitivity, completely ignoring me, hinting at the same time that he's irritated with me touching him. liu says: like master like dog. i'm like: what?
oh well. overgrown fantasies aside~ i'm finally done with my sis macbook. ugh that new white piece of crap couldn't connect to the internet even tho it could connect to the modem O.o so i called apple and with their really-quite-amazing-and-good applecare service, they ran me thru a series of checks that were quite complicated and not things that i could do myself so yea. but their conclusion was that nothing was wrong with the macbook. everything worked ok so they asked me to call singtel to change e modem from WEP encryption to WPA. i'm like O.o cos that means all e other comps in e house must be reconfigured but ugh since my sis needs e connection must go and do =( and that was after 1.5 hrs, not to mention that, while helpful, e guy who spoke to me had a really irritating accent. and i don't have a cordless phone or a speaker so my neck ached ugh.
and so e epic story continues today. i called singtel, and was quite amazed that they picked up only after abt 5 min. what's more amazing, is that they actually didn't piss me off that much! they used some remote viewing thing which made it super convenient. but i had to plug in with wired and no cordless phone so that meant running from my bro's room to outside his room very quickly and very often. and after abt half an hr, they found out the problem.
*MORE drumrolls*
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|2:15 PM|
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"So for goodness sake, stop saying that "I'm ..." and buck up. Go do something about it." -MeL (21.11.06)
haiz. i'm reduced to quoting myself for advice to myself. how pathetic is that. my own past advice rears its ugly head to bite its hypocritical present self~ *imagines a malificent-style dragon biting its own tail~*
i think e reason why i have not enough personal time at home is cos i do nonsense at home O.o i use fb, chat on msn, shift needlessly and mindlessly between spaces which distracts myself -.-
WHO WANTS TO WATCH HOW TO TAME A DRAGON. totally fulfills childhood fantasies <3 ok la not that i really had a fantasy of wanting to ride a dragon but hm. reading eragon did make me reallyyyyyy want to have a dragon pet~ damn am i revealing totally weird insecurities. haha!
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|10:54 PM|
Friday, March 19, 2010
O bittersweet wonder, why dost thou plague me so?
there was an article in psychologytoday abt anorexia. it talks abt the addiction of hunger. the intimate relationship of indulgence and abstinence. very insightful and interesting~
i was trying to write an ode. and one nice expression that i stumbled on was 'star of the morning'. but after doing research, i found it a little disturbing that the term 'star of the morning' is used in both revelations (22:16) and isaiah (14:12). it is a title for jesus (in the former) and also the alias of lucifer (the latter). lucifer, or luci ferre, when translated, literally means light bringer. wiki says that most texts use 'day star' in their translation now. quaint~ think to understand scripture in its entirety, must study hebrew, greek and latin. wa.
i wanna learn elvish. and sign language. and jap. haiz. enemy of great is good arh.
viva voce villarum vociferous veggies~
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|12:42 AM|
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
i had an awesome day today!!! =) happy =)
but first must talk abt my lunch. i told aunty anula i'd be coming home for lunch so she say she'll steam fish =) she cooked a plate of chye sim, a whole steam pomfret and 4 SUPER HUGE MEGA IMBA BUTTER GARLIC RESTAURANT NO BETTER THAN RESTAURANT QUALITY POWERFUL PRAWNS. it was awesome <3 ppl say go out get fat i eat at home get fat~ haha. i finished pretty much everything~ even the entire fish lol. it was yummy =)
then i had piano lesson and i finalllyyyyyyyyy met up with posef. faintZ he is elusive~ we went kino where i splurged 70+ on 2 deaths, sandman companion and little prince <3 oh and sandman: furies. happy happy =) this is totally retail therapy i know~ but it was a 20% sale so ok la justified. and we watched tkmb play. i love watching plays. they always leave me with an aesthetic high of some sort.
frabjous day~
and tmr is~ wth. leave at 2.30 am send bro. mass at 6.30 (no other times to go). then imba 4.5 hr tuition. and there ends e xiong morning. after that a bit better la... but e morning is O.o
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|11:47 PM|
Friday, March 12, 2010
the thing abt a scrapbook is that you can never achieve perfection. there is always something that u missed out - some scrap paper that was just completely apt for that theme that you should have used instead, or some color scheme that would have fit the page so much better. then there's always the line that you accidentally drew wrongly, the word you misspelt, the cut that wasn't straight.
u work based on fuzzy visions and hazy dreams. u envision an end, but the end u reach is always somewhere a little off from where u intended to go. hopefully it doesn't stray too much, but deviation is inevitable. there is just too much room for things to go wrong and perfection is always the ideal, rather than the outcome. and that's truly liberating.
because when u realize that, instead of planning every nitty detail down to the millimeter, u just go ahead and do it. u paste the border, print the title, write the words before u know whether everything is gonna match up nicely in the end. and in the midst of doing it, u take a sticker that catches your eye suddenly, u look thru the pile of postcards and suddenly find a picture that just happens to fit your theme, u stumble on a cool technique that u wanna try.
and in the end, something wholly wonderful emerges. it wasn't where u originally intended to go, but it's a beautiful place nonetheless. it isn't perfect, but whoever said perfection is a criterion for beauty? it's a little raw, it's a little random, even a little chaotic. but aren't we all?
life is like a scrapbook, is it not?
i am proud to announce that our magnum opus has been completed~
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|1:02 AM|
Monday, March 08, 2010
mary did you know~
happy happy < 33 kenneth taught me how to play mary did u know. yayyy =) love this songggg. just felt like declaring it haha.
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|9:19 PM|
blood & stone
ytd made me realize that the dichotomy is still there. these few weeks of spiritual journeying has focused my attention on one track, but i realized that the allure for another has not completely been subsumed.
there's an image of a heart - 2 halves joint together. one half is that of flesh. it is red and raw, it is wounded, it is bleeding. it cries out for security and protection. it is fragile and vulnerable. it is beating. it is human.
the other half is that of granite. it is hard, full of weight and gravity, smooth, pristine. it is strong. it is dark. it is cold.
the mystery is that the two halves are but parts of a whole; they exist as much in unity as in dichotomy. is either half called to be full? i don't really know. while it is cause for tension, it is definitely cause for strength. but perhaps we are not called to be strong...
but do you know how hard it is to choose pain over pride? to choose surrender over stoicism? perhaps you do. perhaps i'm just lagging behind. i have a long way to go i guess. i spent so long hardening. lolz sound like metapod~
i made my choice, a while ago. what struck me ytd was not how hard, but how long my choice was. i thought i was well into e way of conversion. but god rebukes a complacent heart see? ytd i realized i've merely painted the stone side red, to make it seem human. but beneath the red veneer, there is neither life nor blood. it's not easy to melt stone. not easy at all.
i'm being unnecessarily emo and irritatingly cryptic i know i'm srry. most of it is not on purpose it takes too long to be elucidatory, esp on these matters where a less-than-full understanding will cause even more dmg than total ignorance. if this were on someone else's blog i might read it with derision. it's just for e record i guess.
*|| a dream within a dream... ||*
|8:03 AM|